Erik Visser & La Mueca in Mexico

La Mueca welcomes Erik Visser in Mexico |
La Mueca joins Erik Visser's "One Man Parade" and celebrates its 20th birthday.
The artistic and cultural organization "La Mueca" will celebrate its 20th anniversary with an invitation for Erik Visser to visit Mexico and to present his latest solo production "One Man Parade".
La Mueca is an independent organization of Mexican artists and promoters dedicated to the creation and production of music-theatre performances, as well as the organization of cultural events, forums of philosophy, publications of books, etc., all this in a permanent compromise with the Mexican cultural identity. We believe holding cultural identity close to our hearts is vital to the sustenance of the Mexican way, and whether people have enjoyed our music from a distance, at a concert, through speakers or a digital hearing aid, La Mueca want people to enjoy themselves and experience music fresh out of the heart of Mexican culture. If you are new to the music, please come along and enjoy it, and learn about a whole different side to the culture of the Mexican people at the same time. Of course, we also love to dance, and would love to see you do so to our music.
Into the 2005 celebration's program, La Mueca and Erik will share the stages of different Mexican cities presenting a scenic-musically show, which is the result of a generous exchange of ideas, music, roots, experiences and the wish to live the celebration together.
Pablo Patricio Ortíz, guitarist and composer who has united artist of different countries in his project Ad Libitum, who is a former member of La Mueca, and actual coordinator of composition workshops of this group, has been involved since the very beginning in this ambitious project.
This spectacle will include material from the CD "One Man Parade", original and arranged music by La Mueca, Pablo and Erik, as well as some of the most legendary compositions by Flairck in Mexican version...
Some of the concerts will include special guests, amongst others Ramón Gutiérrez of the group "Son de Madera"; and Arturo Cipriano of the group "Mitote Jazz".
Beside the concerts, Erik will be offering workshops to music students of different schools and conservatories, and to any interested artist who wants to share his experience in the music-theatre production field.
Erik's Mexican tour will take place in September 2005 in the following cities and regions: (dates are still in line for confirmation)
- Morelia, Michoacán
- Guanajuato,
- Zacatecas,
- Aguascalientes,
- San Luis Potosí,
- Durango y
- Saltillo, Coahuila.
Grupo La Mueca
Aquiles Serdán 797, Centro.
C.P. 58 000
Morelia, Michoacán, México.
La Procesión de un Hombre Solo

Mas como lo hago en solitario, no se me da mucha atención.
Y nadie pasa por las calles, nadie escucha la canción
De este hombre que va solo en procesión.
Hace algún tiempo muchos otros amigos marchaban
En una línea de colores, unidos sonaban
Y todo el mundo con fanfarrias se incendió,
Pero se han ido haciendo viejos y el cansancio les llegó.
Con su ruidosa banda va un hombre en su soledadAunque camino en soledad, escucho atento por si va
Y con sonidos discordantes sigue siempre hacia delante
La procesión de un hombre solo su destino echa a volar
Y se oye a lo lejos su cantar.
Otra alma sola interpretando alguna danza sin final
Y me paro en la esquina, y hay un solitario más,
Y veo que se desvanece, que se aleja, y se esfuma, y se va.
Pablo Ortiz
guitarist and composer