Bal Masqué

Produktie: Coen van Vrijberghe & Erik Visser Orkestraties: Wim Witteman EMI: LP 1271801 MC 1271804 CD 1271802 GOLD COLLECTION: CD 0777 7 46254 2 5
- Ouverture (Visser) 2:49 mp3
- De Gravin (trad, Visser) 3:25
- Presto de l'estate (Vivaldi, arr. Houtzager) 2:44 mp3
- Inventies (de ivoren toren) (Visser) 6:41 mp3
- De Derde Wals (Visser) 5:44
- Tango & Les Riches (Visser & Moustaki - Visser) 9:07 mp3
- Het Debat (Jong) 2:46 mp3
- Nocturne (Gorp) 3:45
- Reprise (Visser) 2:40 mp3
- De Amsterdamse Grachten (Shott, arr. Visser) 2:25
Originally Bal Masqué was written as an instrumental opera for Flairck and balletdancers. The first performances took place during a Dutch-Belgian tour in the spring of 1984. The libretto of this piece is based on the idea of a masqued ball with a number of important guests, who are staying in a place which is shut off from the outside world because of approaching danger. Apart from an overture and a reprise the music consists of various dances or acts in which one or more of the guests come to the foreground. When, after the Overture, all the guests have arrived, the hostess steps forward in a piece called The Countess. Presto da l'Estate (the third part of the Summer of the Four Seasons by A. Vivaldi) is part of the music played by the musicians at the ball. Inventions (part 1 the Ivory Tower, part 2 Eureka) is the dance of a General and The Rich (a song written by G. Moustaki) is about all the guests. The Debate is the story of a politician and Nocturne is a description of the end of a party. The piece ends with a Reprise of the opening theme.
The LP/CD version ends with a guitar version of The Canals of Amsterdam. In 1988-89 the Balletgroup Introdance undertook a tour of Holland with new choreography of Bal Masqué.
Sylvia Houtzager - viool, altviool, harp, koorzang
Cornee van der Kleij - dwarsfluit, piccolo, altsax, sopraansax, accordeon, koor- & solozang
Erik Visser - 6 & 12 s. gitaren, resonantiegitaar, bouzouki, banjo, koorzang
Ted de Jong - tabla's, marimba, klein slagwerk, pauken, tabla-taal, koorzang
Dirk van Gorp - contrabas, cello, orgel, harmonium, koorzang
Met medewerking van:
het Noord-Hollands Philharmonisch Orkest (N.P.O.) (concertmeester: Jenö Nemeth)
en het koor van de kerkmuziekschool te Utrecht
o.l.v. Jan Stulen.